Snana Yatra, also known as the bathing ceremony of Lord Jagannath, is a festival celebrated annually in the Vaishnava tradition. Every year, the auspicious occasion was celebrated at New Jagannath Puri Temple in Phoenix, South Africa, with it taking place on the 19th March 2023 this year.
The festival commemorates the day when Lord Jagannath, along with His brother Baladeva and sister Subhadra, takes a ceremonial bath to cool down from the scorching summer heat. It is believed that Lord Jagannath falls ill after the bath and is taken to his aunt’s house, Masi Gundica, to recuperate. He stays there for a period of 15 days, during which time the temple doors are closed for darshan. This period is known as Anavasara, and it is believed that the Lord is resting and recovering.
After the 15-day period, Lord Jagannath returns to the temple in a grand procession known as Ratha Yatra which we will be celebrating in the coming days on the Durban beachfront. This event marks the beginning of the annual chariot festival, where Lord Jagannath, Baladeva, and Subhadra are taken out in a procession through the streets for all to see and seek their blessings.
Snana Yatra is an important festival in the Vaishnava calendar as it reminds us of the importance of taking care of our body and mind. Just as Lord Jagannath takes a bath to cleanse Himself, we too must cleanse ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
Participating in Snana Yatra offers a great opportunity to offer our respects to Lord Jagannath and to seek His blessings. During the ceremony, the deities are bathed with milk, honey, curd, and other auspicious substances, and we can participate by pouring water on the deities ourselves. This act of seva or service helps us to develop devotion and humility towards the Lord.
As stated in Srimad Bhagavatam, “In the spiritual world, there are no material distinctions such as high and low, pure and impure. The Lord is equal to everyone, and everyone can attain His supreme mercy by rendering devotional service.” By participating in Snana Yatra and other such festivals, we can develop our devotion towards Lord Jagannath and understand the true meaning of equality and love.
In Durban, South Africa, Snana Yatra is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion at New Jagannath Puri Temple in Phoenix. The temple hosts a grand ceremony where devotees from all walks of life gather to participate in the bathing ceremony of Lord Jagannath and seek His blessings.
Snana Yatra is a festival of great significance in the Vaishnava tradition. It reminds us of the importance of taking care of our physical and spiritual well-being and helps us to develop devotion towards Lord Jagannath. Participating in this festival and other such events can help us to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life.